Cardiovascular Disease

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Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease: Many patients Are Still at Risk of CV Events

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major health problem in many countries,1 affecting millions of people in the UK.2 It is also one of the main contributors to rising healthcare costs in the UK.2 A healthy lifestyle may slow down the progression of CVD.3 

If necessary, lifestyle changes may be augmented with medication to reduce elevated low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels.4 However, despite appropriate interventions, many patients still have a high residual cardiovascular risk.5 All healthcare stakeholders are committed to minimising the risks.

Always consult with your healthcare professional who is best placed to advise on any personal medical matters.

Cardiovascular Diseases are a leading cause of death in the UK2

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CVD is a major healthcare burden in the UK

The total annual UK healthcare cost of heart and circulatory disease is estimated at £10 billion.2

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Options and strategies in managing CVD

CVD is a persistent health problem.1 To reduce the risk of CVD events, a lot of effort has already been made by healthcare professionals to find innovative solutions.

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Treatment needs in CVD are often not met

In patients treated with currently available medications, set LDL-C goals may not be achieved, and a residual cardiovascular risk remains.5

* Always consult with your healthcare professional who is best placed to advise on any personal medical matters.

All patient and healthcare provider images on this website are illustrative, used with permission, and cannot be copied or reused in any form.

  1. Timmis A, Townsend N, Gale CP et al. European Society of Cardiology: CardiovascularDisease Statistics 2019.Eur Heart J. 2020; 41:12-85.
  2. British Heart Foundation. UK Factsheet February 2023. Available at: Accessed February 2023. 
  3. World Health Organization (WHO): Cardiovascular Diseases (2017). Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) ( (last page load: 01.02.2023).
  4. Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL et al. 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias. European Heart Journal 2020; 41: 111-188.
  5. Ganda OP, Bhatt DL, Mason RP, Miller M, Boden WE. Unmet need for adjunctive dyslipidemia therapy in hypertriglyceridemia management. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;72(3):330-343.
UK-NP-00248 Apr 2024