associates group meeting



Amarin's commitment

At Amarin, we are committed to acting with openness and transparency across all of our interactions with Healthcare Professionals and Other Relevant Decision Makers, Healthcare Organisations, Patient Organisations and Members of the Public.

We make the commitment to annually disclose Transfers of Value (which may be cash, in-kind or otherwise) in connection with the development or sale of medicines which are made by Amarin UK Limited, as required by the EFPIA Code of Practice as it is implemented by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice and the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA) Code of Practice.

Healthcare Professionals (and Other Relevant Decisions Makers) and Healthcare Organisations

We support and work with a number of Healthcare Professionals (and Other Relevant Decision Makers) and Healthcare Organisations whose input and advice play an important role in supporting patient outcomes. You can find details of the Transfers of Value that we have made at Disclosure UK, the ABPI’s Database for disclosure of Transfers of Value made by the pharmaceutical industry in the UK. Our Methodological Statement for Disclosure can also be found at Disclosure UK.

Patient Organisations

We recognise that Patient Organisations have an important role in improving healthcare for patients. You can find details of Transfers of Value that we have made in support of, and working with, relevant Patient Organisations and Patient Organisation Representatives below:

  • 2022 : Our interactions with Patient Organisations in 2022 can be found here. Our Methodological Statement for Disclosures of Transfers of Value to Patient Organisations in 2022 can be found here.
  • 2023 : Our interactions with Patient Organisations in 2023 can be found here. Our Methodological Statement for Disclosures of Transfers of Value to Patient Organisations in 2023 can be found here.

Members of the Public, including Patients and Journalists

We may make Transfers for Value to Members of the Public, including Patients and Journalists for services such as: speaking at meetings, assisting with training, writing articles and/or publications, participating in advisory boards, advising on the design of clinical trials and market research (which is either remunerated and/or involves travel): You can find details of these Transfers of Value on an aggregate basis here:

  • 2022 : Interactions with Members of the Public (including Patients and Journalists) in 2022 can be found here. Our Methodological Statement for Disclosures of Transfers of Value to Members of the Public in 2022 can be found here.
  • 2023 : Interactions with Members of the Public (including Patients and Journalists) in 2023 can be found here. Our Methodological Statement for Disclosures of Transfers of Value to Members of the Public in 2023 can be found here.

Partnering with the NHS

We believe that better patient care can be achieved through partnering with the NHS.

The ABPI Code of Practice defines Collaborative Working as ‘pharmaceutical companies working with other organisations to deliver initiatives which either enhance patient care or are for the benefit of patients or alternatively benefit the NHS and, as a minimum, maintain patient care’. Joint Working is a type of Collaborative Working between the NHS and pharmaceutical industry defined by the ABPI Code of Practice as being ‘where, for the benefit of patients, one or more pharmaceutical companies and the NHS pool skills, experience and/or resources for the joint development and implementation of patient centred projects and share a commitment for successful delivery’

We disclose these Transfers of Value at Disclosure UK. Details of our Collaborative Working projects can be found here.


Research & Development

You can find details of our industry-sponsored clinical trials and their results, conducted anywhere in the world, at

We are also supportive of certain Investigator-Initiated Research (IIR) -  unsolicited requests for support from external investigators who wish to conduct independent scientific investigations.


group shaking hands


Amarin in the UK

smiling hcp

Diversity & inclusion

UK-NP-00259 Apr 2024