doctor female

 Collaborative Working

Collaborative Working

 Collaborative Working

At Amarin, we are dedicated to fostering strong partnerships with various organisations, particularly the NHS, to improve patient care.
Collaborative working, either enhances patient care or is for the benefit of patients or alternatively benefits the NHS and, as a minimum maintains patient care. It is the pooling of skills, experience and / or resources from all the parties involved with a shared commitment to successful delivery from everyone involved and each organisation must make a significant contribution.
Joint working is a form of collaborative working which is patient centered and always benefits patients.
To ensure full transparency a summary of all our collaborative working projects is published prior to commencing and we encourage our partners to do this on their websites. We update this information on the conclusion of the project.

Full details of our collaborative working and joint working projects are listed below.

Expected Start Date March 2023
Expected Duration 24 Months
Summary Published March 2023

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.
Aim of the Project is to improve the clinical outcomes of patients with Secondary Prevention Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) who have been admitted to St. Barts Heart Centre (St. Barts) via the Secondary Prevention Pathway, this will include:

  • Funding for, and training of, a cardiac specialist pharmacist.
  • Establishing a new virtual clinic service at St. Barts for the digital review of patients following hospital discharge using the Ortus iHealth digital platform.
  • Measurement of the improvements to the quality of patient care resulting from the project.

The financial contribution by Amarin is £136,000 over the project duration.

Expected Benefits to patients:

  • Improved clinical outcomes by increasing their adherence to secondary prevention medicines and identifying patients who are suitable for long term treatment and secondary prevention.
  • Greater satisfaction of patients discharged from the hospital due to greater follow up provision.


Expected Benefits to the NHS:

  • Improved outpatient capacity and more efficient evaluation of post myocardial infarction patients.
  • More frequent touch points from specialists and greater improvements in medicines optimization, that will translate into an improved service for patients discharged from the hospital.

Expected Benefits to Amarin

  • Better understanding of the challenges faced by the NHS in delivering high-quality patient services and care.
  • Faster implementation of NHS policy (such as the Hospital Secondary Prevention Clinical Pathway) which may be relevant to Amarin's business.

Amarin Contact: [email protected]

UK-NP-00239 September 2023

Expected Start Date               May 2023

Expected Duration                24 Months

Summary Published             May 2023

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.

Dorset County Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (DCHFT) and Amarin UK Limited have agreed to collaboratively work, in line with ABPI Code of Practice rules, on a project to provide a Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Clinic for cardiology patients attending DCHFT.

The clinic aims to implement NICE Guidelines and Technology Appraisals for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) patients including lipid lowering, blood pressure, smoking cessation, and anti-coagulation in line with approved Dorset pathways.

The project supports DCHFT to fund a Cardiovascular Prevention Nurse with Consultant supervision and administrator to provide a follow-up clinic.

The financial contribution by Amarin is £80,000 over the project duration.


Expected Benefits to Patients 

  • Improved clinical care and outcomes for patients by optimising their treatment therapies through earlier identification and optimised individual treatment plans alongside ongoing support.
  • Greater satisfaction of patients discharged from DCHFT due to greater follow-up provision.

Expected Benefits to the NHS

  • The project will lead to an increase in the number of patients achieving the clinical targets set out in NICE Guidelines and Technology Appraisals.


Expected Benefits to Amarin

  • Enhanced reputation and supporting Amarin’s vision to stop CVD from being a leading cause of death. Our goal is to create a new paradigm in CVD management and to make a life-changing impact on patients’ lives. 
  • Insight on the appropriate use of ASCVD licensed medicines in line with NICE guidelines.


Amarin Contact: [email protected]

UK-NP-00239 September 2023

Expected Start Date August 2023 

Expected Duration 15 weeks 

Summary Published July 2023

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.

Aim of the Project is the establishment of a new service that tests and implements a Primary Care service model, designed by Branch End Surgery for patients which implements the Northern England Evaluation and Lipid Intensification (NEELI) Guidelines on lipid and CVD management. This will include…

  • Funding for, and training of, a GP to manage and support the clinic.
  • Measurement of the improvements to the quality of patient care resulting from the project, and the testing of the service model, which will potentially support other GP practices in the Northeast who wish to implement NEELI Guidance with their patients at a later date.

The financial contribution by Amarin will amount equal to ten thousand and fifty pounds. (£10,050) over the project duration.


The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care for patients with established cardiovascular disease, through identification of at-risk Patients and optimising lipid modification therapy management.

The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • The establishment of the services to identify and manage patients with established cardiovascular disease in line with the NEELI guidelines may lead to reduction in recurrent cardiac events, with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS and reduction in the downstream burden on the health system (e.g. hospitalisation) from recurrent cardiac events.

The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients within the NEELI pathway with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance.


Amarin Contact: [email protected]

UK-NP-00239 September 2023

Expected Start Date            September 2023

Expected Duration              24 Months

Summary Published           September 2023

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust and Amarin UK Limited have agreed to collaboratively work, in line with ABPI Code of Practice rules, on a project to Secure and expand the 'Community Lipid Clinics' currently run by the Trust in partnership with Modality confederation of GP practices operating in Birmingham and across the UK. The 'Community Lipid Clinics' bring together the skills of both primary and secondary care clinicians to create a single pathway for patients with Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ("ASCVD")

Patients identified as being at risk of future cardiac events are invited to attend the 'Community Lipid Clinics' currently run across two sites (owned and operated by Modality).

The financial contribution by Amarin is £99,380 over the project duration.


Expected Benefits to Patients

  • Improved patient outcomes due to increased diagnosis rates and improved management of all lipid-related residual risk factors, as well as optimization of treatment and lipid management.
  • Improved access to specialised lipid services.
  • Patients will be equipped with knowledge and tools to manage their diagnosis and factors that put them at risk of a future cardiac event.
  • Greater Patient satisfaction due to better accessibility to lipid management services and reduced waiting times for accessing these services.


Expected Benefits to the NHS

  • Continuation and expansion of the 'Community Lipid Clinics', enabling early identification of patients at risk of future cardiac events and referral of these Patients to appropriate clinics to manage their risk.
  • Reduction in cardiac events, with eventual medium and long-term savings for the NHS and the reduction in the downstream burden on the health system (e.g. hospitalisation)
  • Development of a primary care service that could be commissioned across other Primary Care Networks (PCN’s).


Expected Benefits to Amarin

  • Enhance corporate reputation and supporting Amarin’s vision to stop CVD from being a leading cause of death.
  • Insight on the appropriate use of ASCVD licensed medicines in line with NICE guidelines Amarin 


Contact: [email protected]

UK-NP-00239 September 2023

Expected Start Date                 September 2023

Expected Duration                   1 year

Summary Published                 September 2023

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


There is currently a deficit in secondary prevention and/or opportunities to support patients after they have been discharged from hospitals following treatment for cardiac events. As a consequence many of these patients end up being re-admitted to hospitals and clinics.


There is therefore a need to put in place measures to make available to patients secondary prevention pathways, such as pharmacotherapies to reduce the risk of further cardiac events. This is a unique opportunity to pilot a medicines management initiative and to measure the success of this kind of programme on the longer-term outcomes of Patients. The outcome of this Project will be used to build a business case to support a request that the NHS fund the permanent introduction of this kind of longer-term support by the MFT for patients that have atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and undergo elective or emergent revascularisation with the MFT.

The MFT will contribute a total amount of thirty thousand Pounds (£30,000) to cover [forty-three percent (43%)] of the costs of appointing and employing a grade 8/7 nurse to carry out the Programme for the Project Term; and, Amarin will contribute an amount equal to forty thousand Pounds (£40,000) to cover the balance of the costs for employing a specialist grade 8/7 nurse for the Project Term.

The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care for patients with established cardiovascular disease, through identification of at-risk Patients and optimising lipid modification therapy management, education and support, post-acute incidents.


The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • Care quality improvement will reduce further risk of cardiac events in patients with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS.
  • Reduction in the return of patients to secondary care in the short-term period after initial discharge.
  • Understand the feasibility of a long-term NHS funded programme by the end if the project.

The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance.


Amarin Contact: [email protected]

UK-NP-00239 September 2023

Expected Start Date - May 2024

Expected Duration – 26 weeks.

Summary Published – June 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Project Aim

Currently the CV service within this Practice requires further capacity to enable and understand fully the unmet need for patients with a historical CV event. The aim of the project is making a service available to high-risk CVD patients in primary care that will optimize the risk factors linked to currently non-optimised patients and how to plan long term in delivering such a service locally. This will include: 

  • Optimisation of risk factors linked to national standards. 
  • Accelerated access to a dedicated service. 
  • An increase in the percentage of patients achieving risk factor optimal target levels eg LDL-C and TG. 


Amarin will contribute an amount equal to £18,440 (eighteen thousand and four hundred and forty pounds) to the Project, to cover the following Project-costs for the Clinical capacity, auditing and education of patients’ interactions with the aim of creating an internal treatment pathway for the practice. This may be rolled out if successful across the PCN as a proof of concept.


The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Increase in the use of appropriate medicines aligned with local or national guidance for CVD risk reduction.
  • Increase in Patients identified for and treated for secondary CVD risk factors.


The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • The Services will lead to reduction in recurrent cardiac events, with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS and reduction in the downstream burden on the health system (e.g. hospitalisation) from recurrent cardiac events. 


The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance.


For more information, please contact John Wearing on [email protected]

UK-NP-00277 June 2024

Expected Start Date -  Jan 2024

Expected Duration - 52 weeks 

Summary Published -  June 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Project Aim

The Project involves the establishment of a new service for patients who have been identified by Affinity Care as being at a residual risk of a cardiovascular events, which will support Patients with optimising their lipid treatment. There is a current gap in service capacity to deliver for these patients and the establishment of a “how to” way of working will both help to establish a long term clinic within the PCN and create a supporting case for neighbouring healthcare professionals.

The Project will consist of the following and will be set-up and run by Affinity Care and funded in part by Amarin : 

Amarin will contribute an amount equal to sixty-five thousand eight hundred and thirty-five Pounds (£65,835) to cover the balance of the cost of a Grade 8a pharmacist, administration staff, write up and project management, throughout the project term. 

  • Establishing a new lipid clinic to assess and optimise treatment of Patients, which will be led by a pharmacist and made available to Patients weekly. 
  • Establishing a new service pathway and creating a best practice guide in line with the NICE recommendations.  The Lipid Pathway will optimise statin usage by ensuring management of apparent statin intolerance and introduction of ezetimibe where necessary, re-evaluation of diagnosis, establishing lipid targets, assessing reasons for non-attainment of lipid targets and establishing routes for alternative therapies including Bempedoic acid, Inclisiran, PCSK9 inhibitors and Icosapent Ethyl as required. 
  • Re-organisation of the roles and services across the medical practices operating as part of Affinity Care, including ensuring dedicated pharmacy, nurse and GP time is provided and administrative support is put in place to support the Services. 
  • Creation of a protocol in line with the NICE recommendations and NICE lipid pathway. 
  • GPs and relevant personnel will be trained on the new Lipid Pathway and  protocol, and other issues to ensure effective provision of the Services. 


The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care for patients with established cardiovascular disease, through identification of at-risk Patients and optimising lipid modification therapy management, education and support, post-acute incidents.

The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • Care quality improvement will reduce further risk of cardiac events in patients with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS.
  • Understand the feasibility of a long-term NHS funded programme by the end of the project.
  • Better adherence to NICE Secondary Prevention guidelines, thus optimising patient care

The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance

For more information please contact David Eadie on [email protected]

UK-NP-00269 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date -  Dec 2023

Expected Duration –104 weeks

Summary Published -  June 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Project Aim

The Project aims to improve the population health management of the identified ASCVD high risk Patients.  These ASCVD patients will be optimised by making available to them lipid lowering interventions based on European Society of Cardiology (2019) guidance and utilising approved NICE Technology Appraisals to treat Patients.  Developing and delivering an education program for relevant HCPs in primary care, secondary care and in cardiac rehabilitation on the Project and CVD interventions.  Developing and delivering patient education programs to inform Patients how to manage CVD and reduce the risk of further cardiac events utilising a public health approach.

The Project will consist of the following and will be set-up and run by The United Lincolnshire NHS Hospital Trust and funded in part by Amarin : 

Amarin will contribute an amount equal to a hundred thousand  Pounds (£100,000) to cover the balance of the cost of the Cardiology Lead, Advanced Nurse Practitioners going into the Community, Health Care Assistants, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, GPs Clinical Pharmacists, Administration Staff, need to run the Clinics, perform FLP, optimise and write up and project management, throughout the project term. 


The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care and long-term outcomes for Patients by identifying and treating Patients at risk of secondary CVD events. 


The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • Implementation of taking steps to meet the NHS' aims as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan of reducing preventable CVD deaths. 

  • By identifying more Patients and optimizing treatment and therefore implementing NHS programs, this will reduce the downstream burden on the health system from recurrent cardiovascular events. 

  • Data generated by the AHSN (HIN) recommends that in the East Midlands alone, the successful optimization in therapy of 10,000 patients would result in 262 major adverse cardiovascular events per year, which is equivalent to more than £1 million in reduction of healthcare costs from hospitalization and specialist care. 


The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

Faster implementation of technologies approved by NICE for the treatment of at-risk Patients of cardiac events may be relevant to Amarin's business.

For further information please contact [email protected]

UK-NP-00270 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date -  Nov 2023

Expected Duration - 52 weeks 

Summary Published -  June 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Project Aim

The Project involves the establishment of a new service for patients who have been identified by Meridian PCN as being at a residual risk of a cardiovascular events, which will support Patients with optimising lipid treatment levels and accessing treatments to manage lipid levels. There is a current gap in service capacity to deliver support for these patients and the establishment of a “how to” way of working will both help to establish a long term clinic within the PCN and create a supporting case for neighbouring healthcare professionals.

The Project will consist of the following and will be set-up and run by Meridian PCN and funded in part by Amarin : 

Amarin will contribute an amount equal to fifty thousand Pounds (£50,000) to cover the balance of the cost of Health Care Assistants, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, GPs, Clinical Pharmacists, Administration Staff, needed to run the Clinics, perform full lipid profiles, optimise treatments and write up findings and project management, throughout the project term. 

  • Establishing a new lipid clinic to assess and optimise treatment of Patients, which will be led by a GP and ANP and made available to Patients weekly. 
  • Establishing a new service pathway and creating a best practice guide in line with the NICE recommendations.  The Lipid Pathway will optimise statin usage by ensuring management of apparent statin intolerance and introduction of ezetimibe where necessary, re-evaluation of diagnosis, establishing lipid targets, assessing reasons for non-attainment of lipid targets and establishing routes for alternative therapies including Bempedoic acid, Inclisiran, PCSK9 inhibitors and Icosapent Ethyl as required. 
  • Re-organisation of the roles and services across the medical practices operating as part of Affinity Care, including ensuring dedicated pharmacy, nurse and GP time is provided and administrative support is put in place to support the Services. 
  • Creation of a protocol in line with the NICE recommendations and NICE lipid pathway. 
  • GPs and relevant personnel will be trained on the new Lipid Pathway and protocol, and other issues to ensure effective provision of the Services. 


The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care and long-term outcomes for Patients by identifying and treating Patients at risk of secondary CVD events. 


The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • Care quality improvement will reduce further risk of cardiac events in patients with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS.
  • Understand the feasibility of a long-term NHS funded programme by the end of the project.
  • Better adherence to NICE Secondary Prevention guidelines, thus optimising patient care


The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidelines.


Faster implementation of technologies approved by NICE for the treatment of at-risk Patients of cardiac events may be relevant to Amarin's business.


For further information please contact [email protected]

UK-NP-00271 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date -  Jan 2024

Expected Duration – 26 weeks

Summary Published -  June 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Project Aim

The Project involves the establishment of a new service for patients who have been identified by Priory Gardens Surgery as being at a residual risk of a cardiovascular events, which will support Patients with optimising lipid treatment levels and accessing treatments to manage lipid levels. There is a current gap in service capacity to deliver support for these patients and the establishment of a “how to” way of working will both help to establish a long term clinic within the PCN and create a supporting case for neighbouring healthcare professionals.

The Project will consist of the following and will be set-up and run by Meridian PCN and funded in part by Amarin : 

Amarin will contribute an amount equal to seven thousand Pounds (£7,000) to cover the balance of the cost of Health Care Assistants, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, GPs Clinical Pharmacists, Administration Staff, need to run the Clinics, perform FLP, optimise and write up and project management, throughout the project term. 

  • Establishing a new lipid clinic to assess and optimise treatment of Patients, which will be led by a GP and ANP and made available to Patients weekly. 
  • Establishing a new service pathway and creating a best practice guide in line with the NICE recommendations.  The Lipid Pathway will optimise statin usage by ensuring management of apparent statin intolerance and introduction of ezetimibe where necessary, re-evaluation of diagnosis, establishing lipid targets, assessing reasons for non-attainment of lipid targets and establishing routes for alternative therapies including Bempedoic acid, Inclisiran, PCSK9 inhibitors and Icosapent Ethyl as required. 
  • Re-organisation of the roles and services across the medical practices operating as part of Affinity Care, including ensuring dedicated pharmacy, nurse and GP time is provided and administrative support is put in place to support the Services. 
  • Creation of a protocol in line with the NICE recommendations and NICE lipid pathway. 
  • GPs and relevant personnel will be trained on the new Lipid Pathway and protocol, and other issues to ensure effective provision of the Services. 


The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care and long-term outcomes for Patients by identifying and treating Patients at risk of secondary CVD events. 


The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • Care quality improvement will reduce further risk of cardiac events in patients with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS.
  • Understand the feasibility of a long-term NHS funded programme by the end of the project.
  • Better adherence to NICE Secondary Prevention guidelines, thus optimising patient care


The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidelines.

Faster implementation of technologies approved by NICE for the treatment of at-risk Patients of cardiac events may be relevant to Amarin's business.

For further information please contact [email protected]

UK-NP-00272 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date -  Jan 2024

Expected Duration - 52 weeks with a further 52 weeks extension option 

Summary Published -  June 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Project Aim

Management of lipid levels in patients with cardiovascular disease ("CVD") is essential to improving patient outcomes. There is currently a deficit in interventions that focus on managing hyperlipidaemia in patients with CVD. Consequently many of these patients end up being re-admitted to hospitals and clinics. Secondary care does not provide a suitable structure for lipid optimisation, since multiple patient-reviews are required.  The preferred structure for the provision of lipid management is through the cardio rehabilitation pathway.

The Hospital has put in place the CR Pathway to meet this patient need for improved lipid management after a cardiac-related procedure.  Funding has not been secured by the Hospital for the continued provision of the CR Pathway for 2023/2024. The collapse of this service would not only affect current Patients and new Patients who would feed into the CR Pathway over the course of the next year, but it also stops the expansion of the diagnostic tool utilised in Broadgreen, the treatment protocol and training of GPs at a Primary Care level - the next step in rolling this service out.

The CR Pathway is the only service that screens for triglyceride levels / results, as well as lipid levels, in the Liverpool area.

Several clinical indicators as well as the demand and unmet need for such a service has to be clearly understood so a business case can be created for the continued NHS funding of the CR Pathway from 2025 onwards. Amarin will support the funding of a pharmacist, administrative staff and write up time to meet the needs of patients being seen and the creation of a business case for 2025 onwards to the sum of seventy-one thousand three hundred Pounds (£71,300) for 1 year. 

The option of a second project supporting the roll out of the clinics findings and GP support if the NHS accept the funding of the current CR Pathway post the business case submission will be considered as a second project and written up as such in 2025/26.


The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care for patients with established cardiovascular disease, through identification of at-risk Patients and optimising lipid modification therapy management, education and support, post-acute incidents.
  • Greater satisfaction of Patients discharged from the Hospital due to greater follow up provision. 


The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • Care quality improvement will reduce further risk of cardiac events in patients with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS.
  • Continuation of the CR Pathway, which enables the continued treatment of residual cardiovascular risk, thereby continuing to reduce downstream burden on health system (e.g. hospitalisations) from recurrent cardiovascular events. 
  • Better adherence to NICE Secondary Prevention guidelines, thus optimising patient care

The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance

For more information, please contact David Eadie on [email protected]

UK-NP-00274 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date -  Nov 2023

Expected Duration - 52 weeks 

Summary Published -  June 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Project Aim

Primary care is responsible for and/or plays a role in identifying patients at risk of future cardiac events and in managing and reducing this risk.  The Services aim at giving effect to the NEELI Guidelines. There is a need to understand and support local practices on how this is best done particularly in patients who have a long history of CV events or are at high risk of future events.

The establishment of a Lipid Clinic (and Services more generally) will assist with identifying at risk Patients and supporting them manage and reduce their risk of future cardiac events by assisting Patients to lower and achieve target lipid levels. A Lipid Pathway will be developed, by Oakenhurst GP Practice who will take the lead with this project, to give effect to this aim and will ensure that Patients have access to blood tests for triglyceride levels, optimisation of statin usage, management of statin intolerance, optimisation of treatment options and monitoring of lipid levels. A Lipid Pathway and best practice guide to support the implementation of the Services.   

Monitoring how Patients are referred to and access the Services, how many Patients’ lipid levels are optimised using appropriate medications as per the National or local guidelines; and relieving the backlog of Patients who have had historical cardiovascular events will go towards understanding the unmet need for this service across neighbouring Primary Care practices.

Amarin will contribute a total of thirty nine thousand, four hundred and sixty eight Pounds (£39,468) to the Project, to cover Project-costs for one year: of a grade 7 pharmacist, administrative staff, clinical write up, and data searches in all three practices



The expected benefits of the Project for Patients are:

  • Improved clinical care for patients with established cardiovascular disease, through identification of at-risk Patients and optimising lipid modification therapy management, education and support, post-acute incidents.


The expected benefits of the Project for the NHS are:

  • Care quality improvement will reduce further risk of cardiac events in patients with eventual medium and long-term saving for NHS.
  • Establishment of the Services to treat residual cardiovascular risk will lead to reduction in recurrent cardiac events, with eventual medium and long term saving for NHS and reduction in the downstream burden on the health system (e.g. hospitalisation) from recurrent cardiac events.
  • Better adherence to NICE Secondary Prevention guidelines, thus optimising patient care

The expected benefits of the Project for Amarin are:

  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance

For more information, please contact David Eadie on [email protected]

UK-NP-00275 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date December 2023 

Expected Duration 4 Months 

Summary Published June 2024 

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Westbury Group Practice and Amarin UK Limited have agreed to collaboratively work, in line with ABPI Code of Practice rules, on a project to provide a Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Clinic for Secondary Prevention patients registered with Westbury Group Practice. The clinic aims to implement NICE Guidelines and Technology Appraisals for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) patients including lipid lowering, blood pressure, smoking cessation, and anti-coagulation in line with the practices agreed pathways. The project supports Westbury Group Practice to additional GP, Nurse and administration time to provide the clinic. The financial contribution by Amarin is £10,000 over the project duration. 


Expected Benefits to Patients 

  • Improved clinical care and outcomes for patients by proactive identification of patients not treated in line with NICE recommendations. Identified patients will be invited for review and optimisation of their treatment in line with NICE recommendations.


Expected Benefits to the NHS

  • The project is expected to lead to an increase in the number of patients achieving the clinical targets set out in NICE Guidelines and Technology Appraisals.
  • An increase in the number of patients achieving their clinical targets will help with the implementation of the NHS aim, as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan, of reducing preventable CVD deaths. 
  • By identifying more Patients and optimizing treatment, therefore implementing NHS programs, this project aims to reduce the downstream burden on the health system from recurrent cardiovascular events.


Expected Benefits to Amarin 

  • Enhanced reputation and supporting Amarin’s vision to stop CVD from being a leading cause of death. Our goal is to create a new paradigm in CVD management and to make a life-changing impact on patients’ lives. 
  • Insight on the appropriate use of ASCVD licensed medicines in line with NICE guidelines in Primary Care.  
  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance.

For further information please contact: [email protected]

UK-NP-00276 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date October 2023 

Expected Duration 24 Months 

Summary Published June 2024 

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion. 


University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust (UHDFT) and Amarin UK Limited have agreed to collaboratively work, in line with ABPI Code of Practice rules, on a project to provide a Secondary Prevention Lipid Clinic for cardiology patients attending UHDFT. The clinic aims to implement NICE Guidelines and Technology Appraisals for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) patients including lipid lowering, blood pressure, smoking cessation, and anti-coagulation in line with approved Dorset pathways. 

The project supports UHDFT to part fund Cardiovascular Prevention Nurses with Consultant supervision and administration support to provide a follow-up clinic. The financial contribution by Amarin is £75,189 over the project duration. 


Expected Benefits to Patients 

  • Improved clinical care and outcomes for patients by optimising their treatment therapies through earlier identification and optimised individual treatment plans alongside ongoing support.
  • Greater satisfaction of patients discharged from UHDFT due to improved follow-up provision. 


Expected Benefits to the NHS

  • The project will lead to an increase in the number of patients achieving the clinical targets set out in NICE Guidelines and Technology Appraisals. 
  • An increase in the number of patients achieving their clinical targets will help with the implementation of the NHS aim, as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan, of reducing preventable CVD deaths.
  • By identifying more Patients and optimizing treatment, therefore implementing NHS programs, this project aims to reduce the downstream burden on the health system from recurrent cardiovascular events.


Expected Benefits to Amarin 

  • Enhanced reputation and supporting Amarin’s vision to stop CVD from being a leading cause of death. Our goal is to create a new paradigm in CVD management and to make a life-changing impact on patients’ lives. 
  • Insight on the appropriate use of ASCVD licensed medicines in line with NICE guidelines. 
  • The service evaluation may lead to identification of patients with established cardiovascular disease who may require further lipid modification management which may lead to use of appropriate medicines in line with local and national guidance.

For further information please contact: [email protected]


UK-NP-00273 Jun 2024

Expected Start Date October 2024

Expected Duration up to 6 Months

Summary Published September 2024

Outcomes will be published within 6 months of project completion.


Lime Tree Surgery and Amarin UK Limited have agreed to work collaboratively, in line with ABPI Code of Practice rules, on a project to provide a Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Clinic for Secondary Prevention patients registered with Lime Tree Surgery. Having recently undertaken a program of work to optimise LDL Cholesterol, Lime Tree Surgery aims to implement NICE Technology Appraisals TA805 to further reduce patient risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in line with both national and local Sussex pathways.

The project supports Lime Tree Surgery with additional Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician and administration time to provide the clinic. Lime Tree Surgery will be providing the facilities, IT systems and expertise to identify and review patients. The financial contribution by Amarin is up to £7,440 over the project duration and will depend on the number of patients identified and the number of identified patients who take up the offer to have their cardiovascular risk reviewed as the funding is based on the number of clinics required.


Expected Benefits to Patients

  • Improved clinical care and outcomes for patients by proactive identification of patients not treated in line with NICE recommendations. Identified patients will be invited for review and optimisation of their treatment in line with NICE recommendations.


Expected Benefits to the NHS

  • The project is expected to lead to an increase in the number of patients treated in line with the Sussex Secondary prevention lipid management pathway and NICE TA805.
  • Standardisation of clinical best practice across secondary and primary care; in line with National and Local pathways and optimal CVD risk management in line with NICE recommendations and guidelines.
  • Improvement in clinical outcomes, by providing optimal CVD risk reduction and optimising costs and resources for the NHS.


Expected Benefits to Amarin

  • Enhanced reputation and supporting Amarin’s vision to stop CVD from being a leading cause of death. Our goal is to create a new paradigm in CVD management and to make a life-changing impact on patients’ lives.
  • Insight on the appropriate use of ASCVD licensed medicines in line with NICE guidelines in Primary Care.

For further information please contact: [email protected]


UK-NP-00306 October 2024

UK-NP-00277 Jun 2024