Supplier code of conduct

Supplier code of conduct

At Amarin, we focus on building strong and mutually beneficial partnerships with our suppliers.

Our goal is to ensure the highest standards of ethics, safety, quality, and collaboration within our Supply Chain. To do so, we expect from our suppliers and partners a commitment to cost leadership, value delivery and mutual growth, based on the below foundational principles:

  • Abide by our Supplier Code of Conduct and the highest standards of ethics and integrity
  • Comply with all local, regional, and global regulatory requirements
  • Bring innovation that delivers competitive advantages
  • Provide safe goods and services of the highest quality, on time, in full, at a most competitive price
  • Support and contribute to our efforts in diversity, economic inclusion, and sustainability

This Supplier & Partner Code of Conduct summarizes the 8 principles that we expect our Suppliers and Partners to follow to guarantee a trustworthy, ethical, safe, fair, and high-performing relationship with Amarin.


Our Supplier & Partner Code of Conduct, published in January 2024, and as may be amended from time to time, outlines Amarin’s expectations and guidelines with respect to responsible sourcing, including our commitments to human rights, the environment, health and safety, business ethics and the development of a diverse and sustainable supply chain. 

We require all Suppliers & Partners acting on Amarin’s behalf and/or providing goods or services to Amarin for compensation to comply with this Supplier & Partner Code of Conduct. This includes, but is not limited to, our direct and indirect Suppliers, Contract Manufacturing Partners, co-packers, labour providers, distribution and logistics providers. Sub-contractors of Suppliers are also expected to adhere to the Supplier & Partner Code of Conduct. 

We expect our Suppliers and business partners to comply with and communicate these expectations throughout their supply chain – including their own suppliers and partners – by adopting efficient management systems, polices, procedures and training to uphold the standards and expectations set forth in this Supplier & Partner Code within their own business operations. Ultimately, it is our expectation that our Suppliers and Partners will avoid any situation that may adversely affect Amarin’s business interests or reputation. 

We require our Suppliers to abide by all applicable national, state and local laws/regulations in the markets where they operate; however, where local laws or standards differ from this Supplier & Partner Code of Conduct, we expect our Suppliers to comply with the most stringent standards and principles.

By its acceptance of any contract or purchase order from Amarin, the Supplier or Partner acknowledges its acceptance of the Supplier & Partner Code of conduct and intention to comply with its requirements.


Our Supplier & Partner Code of Conduct contains 8 overarching principles to guide our suppliers and partners to operate and perform in the right way. We expect from our Suppliers and Partners that they use all these important principles to guide their decisions as they do business. They enable us to achieve mutual success in the right way.


  1. Comply with applicable law and regulations
  2. Deal honestly with Governments 
  3. Treat people fairly and respect Human Rights
  4. Embrace Social and Environmental Responsibility
  5. Deliver products and services that meet the highest standard or pharmaceutical quality requirements
  6. Keep accurate books and business records
  7. Compete fairly and conduct business with integrity
  8. Protect and respect private and proprietary information


1 - Comply with applicable law and regulations

We expect our suppliers and partners to: 

  • Know and follow global and local laws that apply to them and their business
  • Comply with or outperform all applicable regulations (business, environmental, social, quality and food safety, health and safety) relative to their business
  • Treat legal requirements as a minimum standard
  • Alert Amarin to any material issue with the goods and services they supply
  • Fulfil all Amarin’s contractual commitments.


2 - Deal honestly with Governments

We expect our suppliers and partners to:

  • Prohibit all types of bribery, corruption, lies and money laundering
  • Forbid gifts to private or public officials that aim at influencing business decisions 
  • Implement adequate controls to prevent the above activities from occurring 
  • Comply with all anticorruption laws and regulations that govern operations in the countries in which they do business.


3 - Treat People fairly and respect Human Rights, Health and Safety, Labour and Employment Practice

We expect our suppliers and partners to:

  • Respect internationally recognized human rights, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as support the principles concerning fundamental rights at work as set out in the International Labour Organization Core Conventions the International Bill of Human Rights, and adopt the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) as framework of reference for conducting human rights due diligence
  • Provide fair and timely compensation and ensure safe and healthy working conditions
  • Comply with all applicable health & safety laws and regulations
  • Never use or tolerate the use of human trafficking, forced labour (including forced or involuntary prison labour), or child labour, as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and modern slavery
  • Foster an inclusive and ethical work environment that is free of harassment and discrimination and provides equal chances of success to all their employees
  • Respect employees’ rights to organize and bargain collectively
  • Make grievance channels and/or other mechanisms available, where workers may raise issues without fear of retaliation
  • Comply with ethical audit requirements 

Our suppliers must be committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in their supply chains or any part of their business.  Any goods and services provided to Amarin must be performed to the highest professional and technical standards applicable and provided in accordance with all relevant laws including anti-slavery and child labour. 

Our suppliers must regularly review and updates their policies, procedures and guidelines including efforts to raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking. Our suppliers recognise that training is a fundamental way of raising awareness and ensuring that people understand the importance of a particular issue.


4 - Embrace Social and Environmental Responsibility

We expect our suppliers and partners to:

  • Make all possible efforts to include small and diverse suppliers (minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, disabled-owned, disadvantaged or HUB-certified businesses) in their active supplier base and partnerships 
  • Strive to reduce environmental impact through processes and systems that ensure safe handling, disposal, movement, storage, recycling, reuse or management of waste, air emissions and wastewater discharges. Any waste, wastewater or emissions with the potential to adversely impact human or environmental health shall be appropriately managed, controlled and treated prior to release into the environment. 
  • Respect human rights relevant to communities’ livelihoods and health, such as the ownership and use of land and natural resources, in relation to their operations


5 - Deliver products and services that meet the highest standard or pharmaceutical quality requirements

We expect our suppliers and partners to:

  • Follow the highest standard of manufacturing, packaging, storage, and transportation to guarantee our product’s and consumers’ safety in line with our Supplier Quality Expectations
  • Meet or exceed the agreed specifications to grant committed quality to our customers
  • Report to Amarin in a complete, accurate and timely manner any concern about product safety or quality


6 - Keep accurate books and business records

We expect our suppliers and partners to:

  • Maintain books and records that reflect all transactions in an accurate, honest, complete and timely way
  • Employ appropriate quality audit and compliance processes for matters such as product safety, worker health and safety, financial statements and labour and employment
  • Not engage in fraud, theft, or misuse of assets, obscure any record, or circumvent any policy or process for personal gain 
  • Disclose, on request, the location of facilities and known origins of materials to enable traceability 


7 - Compete fairly and conduct business with integrity

We expect our suppliers and partners to:

  • Compete fairly and ethically for Amarin’s business
  • Never offer or accept bribes, kickbacks, inappropriate gifts or hospitality, or other improper incentives in connection with Amarin’s business
  • Avoid business practices such as arrangements that unlawfully restrain competition, improper exchange of information, spying, price fixing, etc. 
  • Avoid any conflict of interest relating to financial interests or other arrangements with our employees that may be considered inappropriate.


8 - Protect and respect private and proprietary information

We expect our suppliers and partners to:

  • Protect any of Amarin’s confidential information to which they have access, including its suppliers, employees or consumers’ information, intellectual property, trade secrets, patents, or financial information
  • Safeguard any property belonging to Amarin while under their control
  • Comply with insider trading laws and take steps to prevent their employees from trading our securities while in possession of material Amarin non-public information.
  • Respect individuals in a manner consistent with privacy and data protections laws.
  • Ensure and be prepared to demonstrate that they have appropriate safeguards in place to protect personal and other confidential information

Trust-based relationship

At Amarin, we aim at building trust-based relationships with Supplier and Partners who share our values (Integrity, Operational Excellence, Collaboration and Commitment to Quality), support our ambitions, and follow this Code of Conduct.

We expect our Suppliers and Partners to cooperate with our reasonable requests for information, certifications, and/or audit access. When there is a concern, our practice is to engage with the Supplier or Partner and work together on solutions. We may be able to help identify possible improvements. However, when an issue cannot be corrected or a Supplier or Partner is unwilling to engage, we reserve the right to end our relationship.

By working closely with our Suppliers and Partners, we believe we can achieve mutual success while helping our consumers, communities and employees thrive.

Amarin employees are prohibited from having personal interests that conflict with those of Amarin or use their position with the company for any advantage or gain to themselves or their relatives and close friends. For the same reason, Amarin employees may not accept gifts from any type of business partners, since it could affect their objectivity to pursue Amarin’s best interest, and, finally, Amarin employees will never accept a bribe or kickback or engage in any illegal practice with the suppliers and partners. 

If you see or suspect any conduct or business practices that you think could violate this Supplier & Partner Code of Conduct, please contact Amarin directly. You may raise a concern or get help by:

UK-NP-00256 Apr 2024